8 Governance
- Accountability and responsibility of the Board of Directors, and list of Board members.
- Public duty and transparency of the Advisory Committee.
8.1 Board of Directors
Encorp recognizes that its responsibilities as an Industry Product Stewardship (IPS) organization requires a governance model that places great emphasis on high standards of accountability and transparency. As a non-share capital corporation under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act, Encorp identifies owners as members and not shareholders.
Encorp’s nine-person Board of Directors is composed of nominees from five member industry groups plus two unrelated directors. From the members, two directors are appointed by the Canadian Beverage Association, representing the major soft drink bottlers. One each is appointed by the Canadian Bottled Water Association, the Western Dairy Council and the Beverage Alcohol Containers Management Council of BC. Two are appointed by the Retail Council of Canada, representing the major retail grocery stores. The two unrelated directors have no relationship to any part of the beverage industry.
Chairman of the Board
Dan Wong
President, Right Hook Business Strategies Ltd.
Encorp Affiliation – Western Dairy Council
Committees – Audit / Compensation / Governance -
Michael Forian-Zytynsky
Government Relations Manager, Keurig Canada, a KDP Company
Encorp Affiliation – Canadian Beverage Association
Committee – Governance / Compensation -
Neil Antymis, ICD.D, CPA, CGA
Director, Government Affairs, PepsiCo Beverages Canada
Encorp Affiliation – Canadian Beverage Association
Committee – Audit -
John Irving
Encorp Affiliation – Unrelated Director
Committees – Governance / Compensation -
Emil Joseph
Vice President of Production and Quality – North Division Primo Water North America
Encorp Affiliation – Canadian Bottled Water Association
Committee – Audit -
John Nixon
Secretary, Beverage Alcohol Containers Management Council of BC
Encorp Affiliation – Beverage Alcohol Containers
Management Council of BC
Committees – Audit / Governance -
Liisa O'Hara, CPA, CGA
Encorp Affiliation – Unrelated Director
Committees – Audit / Compensation -
Julie Dickson Olmstead
Managing Director, Public Affairs & Corporate Responsibility – Save-On-Foods
Encorp Affiliation – Retail Council of Canada
Committees – Governance / Compensation -
Greg Wilson
Director of Government Relations (BC), Retail Council of Canada
Encorp Affiliation – Retail Council of Canada
Committee – Audit
8.2 Advisory Committee
Encorp carries a public duty and with it an obligation to maintain high standards of transparency and accountability.
Our Advisory Committee, which is independent of the Board, comprises representatives of our diverse stakeholder groups, including depots, major retailers, regional districts and local governments. The Advisory Committee has been established to provide an avenue for these external interests to be represented to the Board. The Committee reviews our strategic and operating plans and our financial and operating results, and its members can make recommendations to the Governance Committee and the Board.
Monica Kosmak
Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee, Senior Project Manager in the Solid Waste Strategic Services Branch, City of Vancouver -
Bud Fraser
Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee, Senior Planning and Sustainability Engineer, University of British Columbia -
Lyndsay Poaps
Executive Director, Recycling Council of BC -
Louise Schwarz
Co-Owner, Recycling Alternative -
Candace Jones
Director, Corporate Communications & Stakeholder Relations, Corporate Strategic Services BC Liquor Distribution Branch -
Heidi Schumacher
Manager, Environmental Initiatives, Corporate Strategic Services, BC Liquor Distribution Branch -
Tera D. Grady
Supervisor of Solid Waste Management, Cariboo Regional District -
Vince Spronken
Owner, Island Return-It Depot