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6. Deposits, Refunds and Recovery Rates

6 Deposits, Refunds and Recovery Rates

  • Detailed statistics on the number and weight of beverage containers recycled.
  • Summary of overall units recycled and per capita statistics.

6.1 Recycling by the Numbers

In 2023, Encorp prevented 1.375 billion containers from going to landfills. By doing so, Encorp ensured that these containers were recycled into useful new materials and products, which is a huge positive for British Columbia’s environment.

1.375 Billion
Containers Collected
79.6 %
Recovery Rate
$ 137,516,157
Deposits Refunded
Slide the table left and right. (Scroll bar is below table.)
Container Type Containers Sold Containers Recovered % Recovery Rate
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Aluminum 635,187,798 611,795,652 534,060,041 499,295,633 84.1% 81.6%
Plastic ≤ 1L 557,924,167 540,870,220 438,673,973 380,988,608 78.6% 70.4%
Plastic > 1L 135,524,092 118,634,905 106,164,738 109,900,695 78.3% 92.6%
Plastic Total 693,448,259 659,505,125 544,838,711 490,889,304 78.6% 74.4%
Glass 195,642,219 204,283,192 175,891,915 177,235,306 89.9% 86.8%
Drink Boxes 115,150,241 111,304,721 67,651,998 62,093,090 58.8% 55.8%
Gable Top Cartons 72,966,559 54,692,906 45,756,471 35,795,624 62.7% 65.4%
Bi-Metal 2,990,711 2,865,070 2,351,812 2,401,134 78.6% 83.8%
Bag-In-A-Box 4,134,591 4,415,226 2,241,884 2,153,248 54.2% 48.8%
Pouches 7,182,510 12,209,629 2,368,736 2,617,078 33.0% 21.4%
Totals 1,726,702,889 1,661,071,520 1,375,161,566 1,272,480,416 79.6% 76.6%

Note: Calculations may show slight variances due to rounding.

Recovery by Weight

In 2023, Encorp recovered 90,283 metric tonnes (Mt) of containers.

2023 Recovery Rate by Weight
2022 Recovery Rate by Weight
Slide the table left and right. (Scroll bar is below table.)
Type Estimated Weight of
Containers Sold
Estimated Weight of
Containers Recovered
by Weight
Aluminum 8,194 6,889 84.1%
Plastic 22,661 17,791 78.5%
Glass 68,258 61,367 89.9%
Polycoat 5,828 3,528 60.5%
Pouches 40 13 32.9%
Bag-In-Box 967 524 54.2%
Bi-Metal 217 171 78.6%
Totals 106,165 90,283 85.0%

Note: Calculations may show slight variances due to rounding.


6.2 Regional Per Capita Returns

Provincial Totals:
Units Returned 1,375,161,566
Weight Collected (Metric Tonnes) 90,283
Per Capita Units Returned 249.2
Per Capita Weight Collected (Kilograms) 16.4

Regional Breakdown:

Slide the table left and right. (Scroll bar is below table.)
Region Name   Aluminum Plastic Glass Polycoat Other Total Jan-Dec
Per Capita
Per Capita
Change to
Per Capita
Container Returns
Bulkley / Nechako Units
5,887 7,250 1,045 998 58 15,239 369.5 323.9 45.6 inc.
  Tonnes 76 226 365 30 5 702 17.01 kg 16.5 kg  
Cariboo Units
8,621 9,786 2,160 1,307 114 21,989 325.8 313.6 12.2 inc.
  Tonnes 111 308 753 40 11 1,224 18.13 kg 18.0 kg  
Central Coast Units
402 297 66 62 3 831 218.6 167.3 51.3 inc.
  Tonnes 5 9 23 2 0 40 10.52 kg 10.1 kg  
Fraser - Fort George Units
15,818 16,574 3,142 2,568 176 38,277 360.2 344.0 16.2 inc.
  Tonnes 204 520 1,096 78 14 1,913 18.00 kg 18.5 kg  
Kitimat - Stikine Units
6,158 6,566 981 981 60 14,745 348.9 341.0 7.9 inc.
  Tonnes 79 204 342 30 5 660 15.61 kg 16.3 kg  
Skeena - Queen Charlotte Units
2,854 2,801 560 381 39 6,634 330.7 329.3 1.5 inc.
  Tonnes 37 84 195 12 2 330 16.47 kg 17.8 kg  
Northern Rockies Units
657 1,075 106 93 5 1,937 392.1 323.6 68.5 inc.
  Tonnes 8 33 37 3 0 82 16.65 kg 14.9 kg  
Peace River Units
8,027 10,614 1,571 1,501 94 21,807 315.7 307.9 7.7 inc.
  Tonnes 104 333 548 46 6 1,037 15.00 kg 15.6 kg  
Capital Regional District Units
49,799 39,410 16,940 10,432 508 117,088 255.9 242.0 13.9 inc.
  Tonnes 642 1,281 5,910 331 66 8,230 17.99 kg 18.6 kg  
Cowichan Valley Units
13,527 10,802 3,733 2,040 184 30,287 315.4 311.4 4.0 inc.
  Tonnes 175 342 1,303 63 23 1,905 19.83 kg 21.9 kg  
Alberni / Clayoquot Units
5,628 4,742 1,474 791 59 12,694 351.1 369.5 (18.4) dec.
  Tonnes 73 150 514 25 6 767 21.23 kg 24.5 kg  
Comox Units
9,247 7,047 3,042 1,706 112 21,154 270.0 260.5 9.5 inc.
  Tonnes 119 226 1,061 54 18 1,478 18.86 kg 20.0 kg  
Mount Waddington Units
2,187 1,959 426 300 20 4,893 400.8 392.7 8.1 inc.
  Tonnes 28 61 149 9 3 250 20.50 kg 21.8 kg  
Nanaimo Units
19,906 16,413 6,547 3,276 234 46,375 253.0 248.9 4.0 inc..
  Tonnes 257 546 2,284 102 36 3,226 17.60 kg 18.6 kg  
Strathcona Units
6,262 5,083 1,651 911 71 13,978 265.0 263.7 1.4 inc.
  Tonnes 81 162 576 28 10 858 16.27 kg 17.8 kg  
Greater Vancouver Units
217,730 241,371 83,694 56,676 3,429 602,901 204.3 201.8 2.6 inc.
  Tonnes 2,809 8,003 29,200 1,765 274 42,051 14.25 kg 14.8 kg  
Fraser Valley Units
36,929 42,357 9,265 7,204 478 96,233 268.0 257.0 11.0 inc.
  Tonnes 476 1,357 3,233 221 44 5,332 14.85 kg 15.6 kg  
Powell River Units
2,843 2,182 865 493 38 6,421 287.3 282.4 4.9 inc.
  Tonnes 37 75 302 16 7 436 19.50 kg 20.8 kg  
Squamish - Lillooet Units
5,902 4,735 2,736 991 53 14,416 278.8 278.9 (0.1) dec.
  Tonnes 76 153 954 31 5 1,220 23.59 kg 26.4 kg  
Sunshine Coast Units
3,618 2,460 1,843 733 54 8,709 250.5 247.5 3.0 inc.
  Tonnes 47 80 643 23 9 802 23.06 kg 24.9 kg  
Central Okanagan Units
36,699 39,961 10,670 7,674 330 95,334 385.6 280.9 104.7 inc.
  Tonnes 473 1,368 3,723 239 52 5,856 23.69 kg 21.8 kg  
North Okanagan Units
12,995 12,697 4,073 2,310 146 32,220 327.8 322.1 5.7 inc.
  Tonnes 168 407 1,421 72 19 2,086 21.22 kg 22.4 kg  
Okanagan - Similkameen Units
12,230 12,286 5,010 2,088 167 31,781 335.9 337.0 (1.1) dec.
  Tonnes 158 388 1,748 65 25 2,383 25.19 kg 27.1 kg  
Columbia Shuswap Units
7,884 7,190 2,694 1,286 81 19,135 312.1 313.1 (1.0) dec.
  Tonnes 102 232 940 40 12 1,326 21.62 kg 23.3 kg  
Thompson - Nicola Units
21,531 22,146 5,652 3,378 229 52,936 339.4 331.2 8.2 inc.
  Tonnes 278 697 1,972 104 26 3,076 19.72 kg 20.6 kg  
Central Kootenay Units
7,780 5,695 2,394 1,302 90 17,261 258.6 246.2 12.4 inc.
  Tonnes 100 185 835 40 12 1,172 17.56 kg 18.3 kg  
East Kootenay Units
8,827 7,894 2,524 1,246 81 20,571 294.7 278.1 16.7 inc.
  Tonnes 114 251 881 39 9 1,294 18.54 kg 18.5 kg  
Kootenay Boundary Units
4,113 3,447 1,027 682 50 9,318 265.1 252.6 12.5 inc.
  Tonnes 53 110 358 21 7 550 15.63 kg 16.3 kg  
Total Units Units
534,060 544,839 175,892 113,408 6,963 1,375,162 249.2 239.2 9.9 inc.
Total Weight Tonnes 6,889 17,791 61,367 3,528 708 90,284 16.4 kg 17.0 kg  

Note: Calculations may show slight variances due to rounding.